How to Make Your Home in San Juan, Batangas More Eco-Friendly

It is certainly a big challenge for homeowners to renovate the home. It is even more challenging if the homeowners take the extra mile of making the home in San Juan, Batangas eco-friendly. If you want to make sure that your home does not contribute to the deterioration of mother Earth, here are some of the simple ways you can make your home an eco-friendly place to live in.

First of all, you better use reclaimed wooden furniture. These are furniture made from rescued lumber which were supposedly meant for disposal. Green furniture stores are the ones selling these furniture. You have a wide variety to choose from if you want to make the living room look contemporary, urban, or chic.

The lighting is also one of the many methods that you can go green. You simply have to switch out your incandescent light bulbs with CFLs. The incandescent light bulbs actually contribute more to carbon footprint and burn more energy. If you switch to CFLs, you can not only go green but you can save on your electricity bill at your San Juan, Batangas home as well.

The walls can be enhanced using eco-friendly products. You can make use of low volatile organic compound paints, sustainable wallpapers, and the likes when you want to change your wall color or design. This is so that you can avoid releasing harmful and toxic chemicals to the atmosphere.

It is also recommended that you chance the San Juan, Batangas home flooring. If you have nylon carpets, know that they are generally made from petroleum and are thus considered as pollutants and non-renewable. You should be able to find a more eco-friendly alternative these days. You can opt to have untreated wool carpet instead. Better choices would be timber flooring, cork tiles, and other similar ones that are produced using sustainable resources.

Your cooling and heating method at home can also be modified if you want to go green. Don’t just immediately turn on the air conditioning unit simply because the summer season is too hot for you to bear. It will eat up electricity a lot. Instead of that, you can use stylish ceiling fans.

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